Cassie The Cat | 2021 Update

23 February 2021

When we last updated you on the adventures of Cassie the cat, Passmore Stock Administrator Mahri was running Cassie’s crowdfunding appeal for urgent medical care for her deteriorating health which included a heart murmur, deteriorating kidneys, and an injured leg.

Happy to be the spreader of good news Mahri raised an amazing £804 for Cassie’s medical treatment thanks to everyone who donated!

We’re also happy to announce that Cassie is now in much better health! She has been put on a specialist diet that has led to her kidney disease becoming under control and back to a safe level.

Her heart murmur, caused by the thickening of her heart from elevated blood pressure, has no structural damage and blood pressure tablets have also brought her blood down to a safe level - though it will need regular monitoring.

The vets have advised to pause the investigation of Cassie’s leg and focus on ensuring Cassie’s internal issues are stable first – One step at a time.

Cassie is also settling in nicely and adjusting to a life filled with love. She has begun to accept chin scratches, chest tickles and the occasional tail touch but only under her scrutiny. She is also beginning to join in with rest the of Mahri’s rescue cat posse whilst asserting her position of queen bee.

We are extremely proud of Mahri and her dedication to Cassie to provide her with a safe and healthy life, as we always say – not all heroes wear capes!

Cassie’s Story

Cassie was first discovered in our main office car park in Leeds, LS12, a little over two years ago. Noticing her deteriorating condition, Stock Administrator and devoted cat lover, Mahri, made it her mission to catch Cassie and take her to the vets to see if she had been chipped and could be returned to her rightful owner.

Unfortunately it soon transpired that Cassie, who is aged between 3 and 4, wasn’t chipped, is deaf, and upon receiving her very own COVID cut is severely underweight and malnourished.

Taking it upon herself to give Cassie the best second chance in life Mahri set up a temporary abode in her own home whereby she planned to get Cassie back up to full health before sourcing her a more permanent residence.

However as a result of the ongoing care requirements and medical treatments Cassie is now a permanent member of the Kirkby residence and a much loved member of the family.

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