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Passmore pass on their condolences

10 February 2014

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​It is with sad regret that we announce the death of Brian Broadbent on Saturday 8th Feb at St Gemma’s Hospice in Leeds. The Passmore Group acquired Brian’s company, H.Broadbent & Sons, in 2004. Brian worked alongside us before his retirement 2 years later.

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Record breaking 6 months for the Passmore Group!

7 February 2014

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​Since August 2013 through to January 2014 the Passmore Group have had the best months in terms of bathroom sales since records began – MoreBathrooms & MoreAbility.

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MoreAbility involved in Government Incentive; The Better Care Fund

3 February 2014

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​Managing Director, Tony Passmore, was last week invited to a meeting with Rotherham Council to discuss the implications of The Better Care Fund; a new Government Incentive, previously known as the Integration Transformation Fund.

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